Navigating your ShipDocs journey

Have questions? We’re here to help.

Does ShipDocs offer remote technical support?

Yes. Our ShipDocs support team provides remote technical support, enabling us to address your issues quickly and efficiently without the need for an on-site visit. This allows for immediate assistance and faster resolution of any software problems you might encounter.

What are the typical response times for inquiries in ShipDocs?

We typically respond to inquiries within one business day. Our goal is to provide efficient service to address your issues promptly and minimize any potential disruptions to your operations.

What are the operating hours of ShipDocs technical support?

Our ShipDocs technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure continuous operation of your maritime activities. You can reach out at any time for assistance with any issues or queries you might have.

How can I contact ShipDocs technical support?

You can contact our ShipDocs technical support team via shipdocs@ttsw.com.pl email, dedicated phone, or by using the contact form available on our website. Additionally, you can send support requests directly through the application itself, which allows for streamlined communication and faster response times.

Does ShipDocs offer technical support after purchasing the software?

Yes. ShipDocs offers comprehensive technical support after purchasing the software. This support typically includes troubleshooting, regular updates, and assistance with any issues that may arise during the use of the software.

How does ShipDocs improve operational efficiency?

ShipDocs significantly enhances maritime operational efficiency by automatically generating pre-filled documents for port clearance, minimizing manual data entry and reducing the likelihood of errors. The inclusion of digital logbooks and operational reports streamlines data recording and analysis. Real-time communication tools improve coordination between ship crews and shore-based teams, ensuring seamless operations. Additionally, ShipDocs ensures strict adherence to maritime regulations, preventing non-compliance penalties. By refining these essential processes, ShipDocs allows staff to concentrate on critical tasks, thereby optimizing resource utilization and cutting down on time and costs associated with maritime operations.

Is there a trial period available for ShipDocs?

Yes. We offer a free ShipDocs trial that allows you to test our software before making a purchase decision. The trial version allows you to fully utilize the functionality and capabilities of our product. To request access to the trial version, please contact us.

How does ShipDocs simplify port clearance?

ShipDocs generates automatically completed documents necessary for port clearance with a single click, thereby reducing paperwork by 95%. This automation ensures that all required documents are ready for inspections, minimizing errors and delays. Data for these documents is provided from modules within the application, ensuring that once information is entered, it is consistently and accurately transferred to all necessary forms, eliminating the risk of manual entry errors and inconsistencies. This integration not only streamlines the process but also enhances accuracy in documentation critical for port clearance.

How to choose the right plan?

Choosing the appropriate plan hinges on your unique requirements and business particulars. Factors to consider include the fleet size (whether you require software for all or select vessels), sailing areas, needed features, and expected support and customization levels. Our needs-based licensing guarantees you pay solely for essential services. If you have any doubts, please contact us. We’re here to assist you in making an informed decision.

Are there any discounts or promotions?

Yes. ShipDocs offers discounts and promotions that can make software more affordable. Here are a few common types of discounts you might find:

  • Volume discounts: These are offered for large fleets. The more licenses or modules you purchase, the greater the discount you might receive.
  • Renewal discounts: If you are renewing your subscription for another term, we may offer a discount as an incentive for your continued loyalty.
  • Promotional offers: From time to time, we run promotional offers, especially during special events or the launch of new features.

How much does ShipDocs cost?

The cost of ShipDocs software is tailored to meet the unique requirements of each shipping company and depends on various factors, including the number of vessels in your fleet, the specific features or modules selected, and the level of support or customization needed. Our needs-based licensing model ensures that you only pay for what you use, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. Attractive discounts are offered based on fleet size, and additional discounts are available for subscription renewals, rewarding loyal customers with more favorable pricing for continued use. For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information, please contact us directly. We also offer free trials, allowing you to evaluate the software thoroughly before making a purchase decision. This approach ensures that you receive a pricing plan that is perfectly aligned with your operational needs and budget.

How can I license ShipDocs software?

To purchase a ShipDocs software license, use the contact form or provided contact details to discuss your needs with a sales representative. They will assist you in finalizing the licensing details suitable for your operations, and once you sign the licensing agreement and complete the payment, access to your software will be activated.

What are the benefits of using ShipDocs?

By implementing ShipDocs, shipping companies can not only enhance operational efficiency but also significantly improve their market position by adopting modern technologies that support regulatory compliance and risk management.

  • Streamlined operational efficiency: ShipDocs centralizes data and automates customs and port documentation, significantly reducing port clearance times. Enhanced process management leads to faster operations and reduced operational delays, directly boosting the efficiency of shipping companies.
  • Enhanced safety and regulatory compliance: Automating ship logs and documentation minimizes errors and non-compliance with international maritime regulations, reducing the likelihood of fines and penalties. This not only elevates safety standards but also protects the company’s reputation.
  • Financial benefits: Improved efficiency and compliance translate into reduced operational costs, including lower insurance premiums. Simplified reporting and logbooks can also yield better negotiation terms with insurers.
  • Increased prestige and crew attraction: Utilizing modern tools like ShipDocs enhances a shipping company’s industry prestige and makes it more attractive to crew members, crucial for recruiting and retaining highly skilled personnel.
  • Simplified audits and authority interaction: Easy access to detailed operational reports and logbooks facilitates collaboration with port authorities and auditors, promoting more efficient reviews and inspections.

What are the key features of ShipDocs?

ShipDocs offers several key features designed to enhance the efficiency and compliance of maritime operations. Here are some of the standout features you might expect from such a software:

  • Port clearance documentation: ShipDocs can automatically generate and fill port and customs documentation, streamlining the clearance processes and reducing human error.
  • Operational reporting: ShipDocs enables the creation of comprehensive operational reports, helping management to monitor performance, track efficiency, and make informed decisions based on real-time data.
  • Electronic logbooks: ShipDocs provides digital versions of traditional ship logbooks, which can be updated in real time and accessed by both onshore and offshore personnel. This ensures that all operational records are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Centralized data management: The software allows for the central storage of all operational data, making it easily accessible from different locations and by different stakeholders within the company. This feature is crucial for maintaining consistency across the fleet.
  • Regulatory compliance: ShipDocs helps ensure compliance with international maritime laws and regulations by keeping all necessary documentation in order and up-to-date, thus avoiding potential fines and legal issues.
  • Enhanced security features: Security is paramount in the maritime industry, and ShipDocs provides robust security measures to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access. Integration capabilities: The software can integrate with other systems and software used by shipping companies, providing a seamless experience and extending its functionality. Customizable features: Recognizing that different shipping companies have different needs, ShipDocs often allows for customization of its features to better fit specific operational requirements and preferences.

What is ShipDocs?

ShipDocs is a cutting-edge software suite designed to streamline maritime operations for the modern maritime industry. This suite includes a range of modules tailored for management, storing ship’s and crew’s data, and providing tools for automated document generation for port clearance, digital logbooks, and operational reports. The software includes onboard systems for ships and a central office application that collects and integrates data from across the fleet, offering seamless coordination and fleet management.


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