As a result of numerous meetings, presentations and consultations between representatives of Transition Technologies-Software (TTSW) and the Gdynia Maritime University (GMU), both sites signed a letter of intent on cooperation in May 2023. On behalf of Gdynia Maritime University, the letter was signed by the Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development – Prof., Ph.D. (Eng) Tomasz Tarasiuk, and on behalf of the company, by the CEO – Roman Sałuda. The contact with GMU was coordinated by Grzegorz Górski (CTO and Project Manager) and Jacek Kulikowski (Business Development Manager) from TTSW.
As part of one of the first joint ventures of TTSW and GMU consultations and exchange of experience between experts and specialists from both sides were planned, while using an innovative tool for managing port and customs documentation from the position of a ship’s captain and shipowner, which is the ShipDocs – application created by TTSW.
In the future, it is planned to expand cooperation and undertake activities related to staff training and innovative solutions, thanks to which it will be possible to among others: organize apprenticeships and internships for students, or to undertake joint research and development projects. These activities will allow to create business relations between science and industry, as well as the transfer of knowledge and technology, oriented towards innovation and current socio-economic challenges.