
CESMA newsletter – an insightful article from our maritime expert Capt. Jerzy Najmoła about paper burden  

We are thrilled to share that our brand ambassador, Cpt. Jerzy Najmoła, has contributed an insightful article on the paper burden in the maritime industry from a captain’s perspective, featured in the September edition of the CESMA (Confederation of European Shipmasters’ Associations) newsletter. 

ShipDocs Fleet – training for the Shipowner’s Department and Maritime Practices

ShipDocs Fleet – training for the Shipowner’s Department and Maritime Practices

In the spring of 2024, we had the pleasure of conducting professional training in the use of our innovative application for the shipowner’s office – ShipDocs Fleet. The training was held remotely, and its purpose was to introduce employees to the effective use of new tools for managing data from the decks of ships and secure communication with the crew.